Good Intentions Are Not Enough

The 2015 legislative session opens with a bill, SB 69, that seeks to establish a commission to study funding for preschool programs for at-risk children. On the surface it seems noble and helpful to the most needy in our society; however, good intentions are not enough. There are numerous examples of similar pre-school programs that fail to live up to these idealized goals.

We published an extensive article in November 2014, “Obama and Duncan: Mandatory Universal Preschool?” that addresses the same concerns.

New Hampshire has been a long-time leader in education excellence. The grand goals of Head Start and other preschool programs for at-risk students have not materialized. New Hampshire does not need a large commission to waste time and money to study this further. The findings are already available and very clear. NH does not need to be a lemming of a yet another failed education experiment.

Please contact the Senate Education Committee, urging them to reject this bill and vote it Inexpedient to Legislate (ITL). The public hearing is Tuesday, January 20th at 9:20am in the Legislative Office Building (LOB) room 103.

Senate Education Committee
Sen. John Reagan, Chairman  
Sen. Nancy Stiles, Vice Chairman
Sen. Kevin Avard                       
Sen. Molly Kelly                        
Sen. David Watters                   



Michelle Levell, director of GSHE