On Tuesday, February 17th, at 10:00am the House Education Committee will exec (vote) on several important bills. Please contact them today at HouseEducationCommittee@leg.state.nh.us
HB 142, relative to student social media policies by education institutions
position — SUPPORT, but it should not apply to private schools
more information — Another Effort to Protect Students’ Social Media Privacy Rights
HB 206, relative to non-academic surveys or questionnaires given to students
position — SUPPORT
more information — Controversial Surveys and Questionnaires Need Opt-Out
HB 253, relative to the requirements for filing a charter school application
position — OPPOSE
more information — Another Attempt to Limit Charter Schools
HB 283, requiring school districts to establish a policy permitting a pupil’s parent or legal guardian to observe his or her classes
position — SUPPORT
more information — This bill is consistent with parents’ rights to direct their children’s education; parents do not surrender their children when they enter a school building,
HB 302, requiring a public hearing prior to the submission of a grant application by the department of education
position — SUPPORT
more information — This bill would improve transparency when the DOE applies to grants that then impose requirements upon local districts; Caitlin Davis of the DOE admitted that the federal money for assessments is not specific to the Smarter Balanced Assessment; if that is true, then the DOE should not inhibit local districts from selecting one of their choice especially if the school does not accept Title 1 money