
GSHE created several forms and templates to help families and put everything at your fingertips. Use of these documents is entirely optional; you can create your own to fit your unique needs and circumstances.

Notification Letter — This may be used when starting a home education program.

Termination Letter — This may be used when ending your home education program such as moving to a different district or out of state, or enrolling in a public or private school, or participating in the Education Freedom Account program.

Notification of High School Completion Letter — This may be used if your student completes the equivalent of high school before turning 18 years old. It is sent to the NH Department of Education.

Annual Assessment – Evaluation — This may be used by the teacher for an annual assessment.


Families often find it useful to use planners. The following documents are modified versions of the ones we used for our family and were created using simple Word Doc tools. Use of any planner is entirely optional. We found them helpful and created them to reflect our children’s home education programs. Maybe they’ll inspire you to create your own.

Even when young, we encouraged the kids to take ownership of their learning. Part of that responsibility included them taking notes and keeping track of their weekly plans. We had “Monday Morning Meetings” together and discussed the week ahead — sports practices, doctor appointments, book club days, library trips, volunteer projects, and whatever else was on our schedule. I then talked with each child individually to work out what their learning plan and other goals entailed for the coming week. This allowed us to customize it around busier weeks and their individual progress on each subject and come to agreements.

As the kids got older, they found they were very prepared for the complexity of busy schedules and managing their responsibilities, whether or not they used planners.

Student Planner — The student planner is designed to have the schedule and appointments page on the left side of a three-ring binder, and the homeschool page on the right-hand side so a fully open binder would show the entire week. The inside margins accommodate a three-hole punch.

Parent Planner — The parent planner is a one-page per child per week format to easily keep track of what your child is learning. I used one three-ring binder per child for all of my notes and records.

If you’re looking for something else in a planner, we compiled a list of free planners a couple years ago; find it here.