When: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 at 10:00am
Where: Legislative Office Building (behind the State House), at 33 N. State Street in Concord, in room 103
If you’ve been following Croydon School Board v NH Department of Education, you know that Croydon has taken the position that if you have to choose between what the law says, and what an employee of the state says, you follow the law.
Unfortunately, the law in this case is so badly drafted that it is possible for employees of the state to choose to misunderstand it.
HB 1637 will clarify the law in a way that will force the Department of Education and Attorney General to call off their dogs, and let Croydon get back to the business of matching its kids with the educational settings that best suit them as individuals.
It will also allow other school districts to step up and do the same, without the specter of a lawsuit hanging over their heads. The approach pioneered by Croydon
— allows school districts to focus on educating children
— provides parents a greater voice in how that will be done
— saves local taxpayers money in the short run by sending kids to private schools that charge less than public schools
— saves all taxpayers money in the long run by allowing competition to rein in the cost of public schools
— provides incentives for innovative educators to cater to students who are not being served by the current public school monopoly
Join us when HB 1637 has a public hearing before the Senate Education Committee.
PLEASE COME AND TESTIFY, or just provide moral support by filling the room. The public is welcome to attend! Please sign in support of HB 1637 on the sheet at the front of the room; you can also indicate if you wish to speak. If you’re unable to attend, please contact the committee with brief and polite phone calls or emails.
FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION on the background of Croydon’s innovative program and their legal challenge from the Department of Education, read the following articles.
Croydon’s Day in Court
HB 1637 — School Choice for Small Towns
Guarantee an Adequate Education?
Injunction Hearing for Croydon vs the NH DOE
Response to the NH DOE and Attorney General
It’s About Control, Not the Kids
The NH DOE Continues to Bully Croydon
The DOE Wants to End School Choice
Innovative School Choice Program in Croydon
Here is the contact information for each member of the Senate Education Committee:
John Reagan — District 17, Deerfield
Nancy Stiles — District 24, Hampton
Kevin Avard — District 12, Nashua
Molly Kelly — District 10, Keene
David Watters — District 4, Dover
Getting to Concord
driving directions to the State House (gold dome)
area parking