Important School Choice Legislation, Week of Feb 3, 2014

Mark your calendars!
Mark your calendars!

This letter from a Nashua middle school principal to the district superintendent is very indicting of the Smarter Balanced Assessments that will become mandatory throughout all NH schools as of Spring 2015.

Keep this in mind as we have several education bills scheduled for the week ahead.

For the most impact, briefly phone each committee member. Alternatively, send emails; they don’t need to be lengthy to be effective. Representatives are rarely contacted by constituents, so a handful of calls and emails can make a big difference.

House Education Committee:

Municipal and County Government Committee:

Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2014
House Education Committee in Legislative Office Building, Room 207

10:00 am Public Hearing on HB 1262 — student assessment date privacy

10:30 am Public Hearing on HB 1496 –objectivity & validity of student assessment materials

Municipal and County Government Committee in Legislative Office Building, Room 301
11:00 am Public Hearing on HB 1560 – prohibiting the use of funds received from a political subdivision of the state to lobby

Thursday, Feb. 6, 2014
10:00am Legislative Office Building Press Conference (1st floor lobby) re the NH DOE’s overreach of authority and with regard to Common Core Standards and the aligned assessments. Please join us!

House Education Committee in Legislative Office Building, Room 207
10:45 am Public Hearing on HB 1239 — relative to the implementation of new educational standards

11:30 am Public Hearing on HB 1508 –terminating state involvement in the Common Core educational standards

1:45 pm Public Hearing on HB 1586 — relative to student and teacher information protection and privacy

2:00 pm Public Hearing on HB 1587 –relative to the collection and disclosure of pupil data

2:30 pm Public Hearing on HB 1238 –relative to access of assessment materials

Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2014
House Education Committee in Legislative Office Building, Room 207

10:00 am Public Hearing on HB 1432 — relative delaying implementation of certain statewide assessments and studying the effects of delaying implementation of certain curriculum changes in the public schools



Michelle Levell, director of GSHE