GREAT NEWS!! GSHE successfully collaborated with Keene State College’s admission director on a new policy for homeschooled applicants and the change was approved and posted to their website this afternoon!
Their original policy required, “Documentation of completion of high school studies in the form of a final transcript, High School Equivalency Test (HSE), General Equivalency Diploma (GED) or certificate of completion from a local school district or state board of education. If your program does not provide a diploma, please call the KSC Admissions office.”
Applying for Admission · Admissions · Keene State College 2022 April
Now their policy states, “Admissions at Keene State is handled very similarly for homeschoolers as it is for traditionally schooled students. We actively seek out and encourage homeschoolers to apply! Students are expected to submit a transcript containing a list of coursework with descriptions. Students must meet all state regulations per their home state. Please make an appointment with the Director of Admissions if you have any questions concerning applying and enrolling at Keene State College.” The application information is posted on their website here.
Applying for Admission · Admissions · Keene State College NEW 2022 June
The HiSET and “certificate of completion” from a local school district or state Board of Education are both removed in favor of acknowledging the student’s home state requirements.
We appreciate KSC being willing to revisit their policy regarding home educated applicants and the opportunity to work with their admissions office to craft language that will satisfy their needs and be welcoming to homeschoolers.