Learning Beyond the Classroom: Home Education Gives Maximum Autonomy

Several years ago, New Hampshire passed legislation to give public-school students greater opportunities for nontraditional learning. It allows them to earn credits towards graduation through educational experiences beyond their district’s boundaries. It is nicknamed Learn Everywhere and has grown to roughly 20 providers across the state. These programs are approved by the state Board of Education.

SB 435 (2018) text

NH laws RSA 193-E:2-a and RSA 541-A

Education Rule 1400


Approved Learn Everywhere Programs


While home-educated students may tap into Learn Everywhere programs at their own expense, they always had the ability to use hands-on experiences for educational purposes.

For years, homeschoolers have utilized outside-the-classroom experiences for learning and are not limited to one approved by the state. GSHE has an extensive list of private providers that welcome home educated students on our Enrichment Classes & Programs list such as:

Also, homeschoolers do not need “credits” of any kind to satisfy graduation requirements. Per state law RSA 193:1 and Ed Rules 315, students enrolled under home ed self-certify the completion of the equivalent of high school.

Sure, it is useful that more businesses and organizations are offering educational experiences for students. However, homeschoolers have even more freedom and independence to use any program they wish for their learning.

To paraphrase what Glinda the Good Witch told Dorothy at the end of Wizard of Oz, “You’ve had the power all along, my dear.”





Michelle Levell, director of GSHE