Legislative Agenda for Week of February 10, 2014

Coming Up: Charter Schools, Student Privacy, and Common Core

Please consider attending the public hearings for these important charter school, student privacy, and Common Core related bills. Unless otherwise noted, the hearings will take place in the House Education Committee, located in room 207 of the Legislative Office Building. The committee has a small table near the front of the room where you can find that day’s bills and sign-in sheets. If you wish to give testimony, fill out a pink card. The committee appreciates having written testimony provided, but it is not required. Otherwise, you can indicate your support or opposition bills on the blue sheets.

If you’re unable to attend, please consider contacting the House Education Committee. Their email is HouseEducationCommittee@leg.state.nh.us

As the House Education Committee completes its review of the bills, they will hold executive sessions. The public may attend, but is not given the opportunity to address the committee. This is the time when the committee finalizes discussion of the bills and votes. An Inexpedient to Legislate (ITL) recommendation means that they oppose the bill. An Ought to Pass (OTP) recommendation means they support the bill. Executive sessions are very helpful to find out what each Representative thinks of the bills and noting their individual votes. The next step is for the bills to go before the full House, usually scheduled for the following week. This is when it can be effective to contact your Representatives to either support or reject the committee’s recommendations.

Now, on to the coming week’s schedule!

Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2014
10:00 am Public Hearing on HB 1432 — delaying implementation of certain statewide assessments and studying the effects of delaying implementation of certain curriculum changes in the public schools.

11:30 am CONTINUED Public Hearing on HB 1252 — establishing a committee to study and propose a recodification of the education laws currently in RSA title 15

1:15 pm Executive Session on HB 1397 — establishing a committee to study whether the department of education is operating within its statutory authority.

Thursday, Feb. 13th, 2014
9:00 am NH Board of Education monthly meeting, agenda     State Department of Education, State Board Room 100F, 101 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH 03301

9:00 am Subcommittee Work Session on HB 1212, HB 1200, two student privacy bills, as well as HB 1128, HB 1393, HB 1392, three charter school bills

1:15 pm Public Hearing on HB 1586 — relative to student and teacher information protection and privacy.

2:00 pm Public Hearing on HB 1587 –relative to the collection and disclosure of student data.

2:30 pm Public Hearing on HB 1238 –relative to access of assessment materials.

3:00 pm CONTINUED Public Hearing on HB 1508 — terminating state participation in the common core educational standards.

**Note, the House Education Committee will not accept additional pink cards (to give testimony) or signatures on the blue sheets because this is a continuation from the public hearing on February 6th. However, you may still contact the HEC with calls or emails. This is the best way to still share your opinions regarding this bill.



Michelle Levell, director of GSHE