Meet People and Make Friends — Fall Ideas

Many new(er) homeschoolers struggle to meet people, and it is usually because they don’t extend themselves a bit. A little tough love here, my friends. Community is what you make of it. Unlike traditional school environments where our kids are with a cohort of more-or-less the same kids for their entire school year for several years, homeschoolers have the freedom to find and create their own “tribe.” That requires some of us to get out of our comfort zones a bit.

Consider hosting some kind of seasonal activity, post it to our forum community and Facebook group as an event so everyone can see it and join you! Here are a bunch of ideas:

  • visit a pumpkin patch or corn maze
  • make a caramel flavored treat
  • tell spooky stories around a campfire
  • decorate pumpkins
  • visit a retirement home and give a costume parade
  • collect autumn leaves for a seasonal art project
  • go apple picking and trade favorite apple recipes
  • organize a food drive for a local food pantry – makes a great service project!
  • help place flags at the NH State Veterans Cemetery for Veterans’ Day
  • organize a group to rake leaves for seniors in your community

Local libraries are usually eager to work with homeschooling families. Reach out to them to help host activities and events such as game days, craft activities, book clubs, or something else of shared interest.

Are you looking for connections for your pre-teen or teen? We have a forum community specifically for this group to help making connections a little easier. We also have 17 local and interest groups in our resource database that are specifically for them!!

Get out there and meet new people and make friends!



Michelle Levell, director of GSHE