The New Year is a great opportunity to hit the refresh button on your home ed program. Many families have a tradition of New Year resolutions or hit a winter slump. Want to restart your home ed plan? Here are some ideas.
- Take a day off the academics to pursue something else you enjoy.
- Get outside for winter fun — sledding, skiing, nature hike, skating, or something else.
- Meet up with friends for an outing at a favorite museum or plan a field trip together.
- Bake cookies or a special meal with the kids.
- Visit your local library to take out a new book or participate in one of their many events.
- Read a book with the kids; they’re never too old for read-alouds.
- Play board games together.
- Build an indoor fort with blankets.
- Do a winter nature craft like ice lanterns, bird feeders, or snow ice cream.
- Plan a service project to help people in your community — senior centers, food pantries, animal shelters, and other orgs are always looking for assistance.
Here are
New Year’s resolutions from homeschoolers that might encourage you.