Just as the whole state is rolling out the much-lauded Smarter Balanced Assessment, the NH Department of Education is converting to the next educational fad, the PACE assessment. It is part of their ESEA (No Child Left Behind) waiver draft that will be finalized on March 31, 2015.
There are no refusals or opt-outs with PACE because they are required for graduation and grade-level advancements.

Please contact the House and Senate education committees today! Tell them that PACE is not right for New Hampshire and our children. They should not be used as guinea pigs for education reform experiments.
To contact the entire House Education Committee, you may send one email to HouseEducationCommittee@leg.state.nh.us
The following is the Senate Education Committee‘s contact information.
John Reagan, Chairman
Nancy Stiles, Vice Chairman
Kevin Avard
Molly Kelly
David Watters