Thank you for supporting educational options in the Granite State. Concerned parents and citizens must be vigilant and involved to protect and advance school choice. We’re in this together. We need to support other parents who want educational options, regardless of which ones they choose for their families. Below are links to state legislative and agency resources.
Who is my legislator? This site is the search tool for identifying the New Hampshire Senators and members of the House of Representatives by town, district, or county.
NH House of Representatives This is the homepage for the NH House of Representatives. There are many links available through this page.
NH House email addresses This page provides the emails to all members of the House of Representatives.
NH Senate This is the homepage for the NH Senate.
NH Senate email addresses This page is the contact information for all NH Senators.It also lists each Senator’s voting record and bills sponsored in the current session.
NH Constitution This is a online version of the NH Constitution.
General Court This is the main portal to the NH legislature and has several useful links. It is the way to search for bills in the current and prior legislative sessions. It also provides links to the House and Senate calendars and journals.
Bill Search This is the search engine for all bills in the NH legislature of the current and prior years. It offers multiple ways to find bills including bill number, committee, and keyword.
Statutes (RSAs) These are NH state laws.
Education Statutes These are all laws pertaining to NH education and are found in Title XV.
Board of Education This is a link to the New Hampshire Board of Education information on the NH DOE website. This page provides links to the NH BOE meeting schedule and agendas, responsibilities, and members.
Department of Education This is the website for the New Hampshire Department of Education.