Are you ticked off about your recent property tax bill?
Here are the updated municipal tax rates by town from the NH Department of Revenue.
Look how much goes to local public schools. Here is a sample:
Amherst $15.06
Brentwood $17.08
Danville $18.45
Exeter $17.72
Hampstead $18.73
Madbury $17.92
Newmarket $19.81
Orford $20.87
Sullivan $18.96
Remember all the Covid/federal money public schools received? Where did your school board spend it?
A total of $350 million came from the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER III). The total Covid federal grants — CARES, CRRSA, and ARP allocations — came to $534,316,909.73 per the NH Department of Education.
Meanwhile, student enrollment continues to decline.
According to a recent NH Department of Education press release, “At the start of the current 2023-2024 academic year, 165,095 students were officially enrolled in New Hampshire public and public charter schools compared to 167,357 at the start of the previous 2022-2023 school year – a 1.4 percent decline. Since 2002, student enrollment numbers in the Granite State have dropped from 207,684 to 165,095, which represents a decrease of 42,589 public school students, or about a 20.5 percent decline during the past 21 years.”
Even with fewer students and more funding going to public education, the cost per pupil continues to skyrocket.
The 2021-22 average cost per pupil (most recent available) for pre-K through grade 12 is $19.399.97. It’s higher if you include all expenses, $23,042.85.
Academic outcomes continue to plummet.
According to the latest 2023 state assessment, the average proficiency scores for grades 3 through 8, and 11 are:
English Language Arts (ELA) 52%
Math 42%
Science 37%
Read more about NH’s poor academic performance here.
Did COVID Shutdowns Affect NH Student Performance?
Academic Achievement Comparison of Home Education to Public Education