Update on Today’s House Votes

Today was not a good day for our students or local control. Please remember these votes when Reps seek your vote this fall.

For more information on all of these bills, refer to the article below which includes links and summaries.

HB 1239, relative to the implementation of new standards
roll call vote 182 to 124 to ITL (kill) the bill
our recommendation: NAY on ITL
a YEA vote means the Rep did not support the bill and wanted to kill it, a NAY vote means the Rep supported the bill

HB 1262, relative to student data privacy
roll call vote 203 to 117 to send the bill to an interim study (usually kills the bill)
our recommendation: NAY on Study
a YEA vote means the Rep supported sending it to study, a NAY vote means the Rep supported the bill

HB 1397, establishing a committee to study whether the department of education is operating within its statutory authority
our recommendation: NAY on ITL
division vote  228 to 77 to ITL (kill) the bill

HB 1432, (new title) relative to the implementation and administration of certain statewide assessments in the public schools and requiring the department of education to study the statewide assessment process
(The amendments muddied the original bill, so this one is not clearly anti-CC or supportive of school choice in its current form.)
our recommendation: NAY on Study
roll call vote 183 to 150 to interim study (which usually kills the bill)

HB 1496, relative to the objectivity and validity of student assessment materials
another roll call vote 210 to 123 to send the bill to a slow death in interim study
our recommendation: NAY on Study
YEA means the Rep supported the interim study recommendation, a NAY vote means the Rep supported the underlying bill

HB 1508, terminating STATE (not local) participation in the common core educational standards.
roll call vote 201 to 138 to ITL (kill) the bill completely
our recommendation: NAY on ITL
YEA means the Rep voted to kill the bill, a NAY vote means the Rep supported the bill http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/bill_status/Roll_calls/Billstatus_billrollcalls.aspx?lsr=2421&sy=2014&sortoption&txtsessionyear=2014&txtbillnumber=hb1508&q=1



Michelle Levell, director of GSHE