Calm in the Storm

While many families homeschool year-round, summer is a little slower for GSHE. We thought it would be a good time to provide some history and context about our organization. 

Our team moderates our forum and Facebook groups relatively tightly by asking questions at the start, pre-approving posts, and limiting promotional posts, and deleting posts and comments occasionally. We do this to ensure our discussions remain focused on home education and empowering families.

One additional challenge we face is managing political posts and comments in an election year and a polarized society. 

GSHE has always supported all families who take on the responsibility to home educate, whether they are unschooled or curriculum-based, religious or secular, left or right, single parents or grandparents, or have children with special needs or who are gifted, and everything in between. 

During COVID, many homeschool (and other) groups fractured into smaller communities. GSHE, instead, decided to continue supporting all families. As a result, you would see events sponsored by parents who wanted other children vaccinated and masked, and others who preferred not to have these requirements. It was tough at times, but we maintained our fundamental belief in the rights of parents to direct their children’s education. 

Please understand if we don’t approve a mostly-political post or if a comment is removed. We want GSHE to uphold our values while allowing families to express theirs. So scroll by and be kind. It’s not necessary to comment or instigate discord. The world is already filled with hurt, ugliness, and conflict; we don’t need to let it leak into our GSHE communities.

Just as families are the best people to determine their children’s learning, we respect them to make choices for other areas of their lives.

GSHE can be a place of calm in the storm.



Michelle Levell, director of GSHE