February 2025 Reading Challenge

Inspired by reading challenges offered by many public libraries but limited to people in those specific communities and the success of our 2023 Reading Challenge, GSHE is organizing a 2025 Reading Challenge for NH’s homeschool community!

It is just for fun, to help young readers explore new authors, subjects, and genres. Our monthly challenges will be very broad so families may choose whatever book they wish and feel is appropriate for their children.

Participants are not required to complete book reports, give oral presentations, create a formal project, or send in anything to GSHE. Families are free to incorporate our reading challenge into their child’s learning as they see fit. If you choose to keep a record of participation, it can be part of your child’s homeschool portfolio!


For 2025, GSHE will not collect reading logs, track participation, or issue a year-end prize. Families are free to extend the Reading Challenge in any way they wish; perhaps provide a monthly incentive to encourage your child’s reading such as a new book if they complete all monthly challenges.

For kids that are not reading independently, audio books and books you read together are perfectly fine. Any reading ability is welcome to participate.

Let’s get started!!

For February, it’s a two-part challenge! Read a book that is a play or has been adapted to a play or movie, and then watch the show.

This is a great opportunity for extra fun! Consider hosting a group book/movie day as a meet-up at a local library or your home; it’s a great excuse to meet people and make new friends. Yes, I partially stole this idea from some moms who did this for teens in Hooksett. (Love it!)

There are several theater productions coming up, so maybe you would like to select one of those shows and read the book before the performance. See the list we collected at the end of this article.

This also sets up an interesting discussion to compare and contrast the book and movie or show because there can be great differences in how the story is portrayed.

Hope you enjoy this month’s challenge!

Suggestions for Plays and Shows



Beauty and the Beast


Fiddler on the Roof

Into the Woods

Les Misérables

Little Shop of Horrors

Little Women

Lord of the Rings trilogy

Mary Poppins

Narnia series

Our Town

Phantom of the Opera

The Importance of Being Earnest

The Misanthrope

The Wizard of Oz

Twelve Angry Men

Waiting for Godot

West Side Story


Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

anything by Arthur Miller

anything by Shakespeare

Theatre Companies – Opportunities to watch or perform

Arts in Motion Theatre Company, Conway

Colonial Theatre, Laconia

Concord Youth Theatre, Concord

Kids Coop Theatre, Derry

Majestic Theatre, Derry and Manchester

Palace Theatre, Manchester

Peacock Players, Nashua

RB Productions Theatre Company, Concord

Windham Actors Guild, Windham

Winnipesaukee Play House, Meredith

2025 NH Theater Productions

April 24 and May 4Junie B JonesArts in Motion, Conwayhttp://www.artsinmotiontheater.com/young-producers-guild.html
May 2 - 4The Hunchback of Notre DameColonial Theatre, Laconiahttps://coloniallaconia.com/tickets-events/category/series/powershouse-theatre-collaborative-presents-the-hunchback-of-notre-dame/the-colonial-theatre/
Oct 10 - 12The Diary of Anne FrankColonial Theatre, Laconiahttps://coloniallaconia.com/tickets-events/category/series/powerhouse-theatre-collaborative-presents-the-diary-of-anne-frank/the-colonial-theatre/
Feb 28 - March 9Peter PanConcord Youth Theatrehttps://concordyouththeatre.org/#
May 9 - 18The Wizard of OzConcord Youth Threatrehttps://concordyouththeatre.org/#
May 30 - June 1The Aristocats KidsConcord Youth Theatrehttps://concordyouththeatre.org/#
March 28 - 30Matilda Jr, the MusicalMajestic Theatre, Derryhttps://majestictheatre.net/event/roald-dahls-matilda-jr-the-musical/
May 9 - 11Sweeney Todd - School EditionMajestic Theatre, Derryhttps://majestictheatre.net/event/sweeney-todd-school-edition/
MarchDiary of a Wimpy KidPalace Theatres, Manchesterhttps://palacetheatre.org/youth-theatre-in-manchester-palace-youth-theatre/pyt-season/
JuneAnything Goes - Youth EditionPalace Theatres, Manchesterhttps://palacetheatre.org/youth-theatre-in-manchester-palace-youth-theatre/pyt-season/
March 14 - 23Shrek JrPeacock Players, Nashuahttps://peacockplayers.org/
May 9 - 18Chicago - Teen EditionPeacock Players, Nashuahttps://peacockplayers.org/
July 18 - 19The Wizard of Oz - Youth EditionRB Productions, Concordhttps://rb-productions.com/
July 19Aladdin KidsRB Productions, Concordhttps://rb-productions.com/
July 25 - 26Alice in WonderlandRB Productions, Concordhttps://rb-productions.com/
August 1 - 2Beetlejuice JrRB productions, Concordhttps://rb-productions.com/
May 2 - 4Shrek the MusicalWindham Actors Guildhttps://www.windhamactorsguild.com/
July 2025AnastasiaWindham Actors Guildhttps://www.windhamactorsguild.com/
March 27 - 30Treasure Island, a Radio PlayWinnipesaukee Play House, Meredithhttps://www.winnipesaukeeplayhouse.org/
April 18 - 19The Boxcar ChildrenWinnipesaukee Play House, Meredithhttps://www.winnipesaukeeplayhouse.org/
October 18 - 19Winnie-the-PoohWinnipesaukee Play House, Meredithhttps://www.winnipesaukeeplayhouse.org/
A sample of 2025 theater productions. Some offer opportunities for youth to audition and perform.



Michelle Levell, director of GSHE